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Skyrim PC cheats: all the console commands

How to use Skyrim console commands

As with many other PC games, entering Skyrim console commands is simply a case of pressing the tilde (~) key to open up the developer console, then typing in the command code in the correct format. You can enter multiple codes to stack up various different effects, then hit tilde once again to return to the game and reap the ill-gotten rewards you've given yourself. Unless otherwise stated, entering the same code a second time should turn it off again.
This may sound obvious, but it's worth reinforcing that using some of these codes (especially in combination with others) can cause glitches, mess up ongoing storylines, or crash your game entirely, so make sure you create a back up save and keep it separate before you start playing around - otherwise you may find you've permanently broken your progress, and nobody wants to deal with that in a game the size of Skyrim. Also, achievements will be disabled as soon as you start entering these codes, so unfortunately you won't be able to cheat your way to completing any challenges.

Player Skyrim console commands

tgmGod mode: Full invincibility, infinite stamina and magicka
timImmortal mode: Similar to God mode, you can take damage but can't be killed
tclNo-clip mode: Walk through walls, fly
showracemenuAccess the character creator to change appearance (this will reset your level and skill progress)
player.resethealthImmediately refills your health
psbLearn every magic spell
player.advlevelIncrease player level by one, though you won't get a perk point
player.setlevel #Replace # with the level to set your player to
player.setscale #
Replace # with the height for your character, between 0.1 and 10
advskill SkillID #Replace SkillID with the skill you're modifying and # with the amount you are modifying it by. A list of SkillIDs is here
addshout ShoutIDReplace ShoutID with the shout you want to add. A list of ShoutIDs is here
player.addperk PerkIDReplace PerkID with the perk you want to add. A list of PerkIDs is here
player.additem ItemID #Replace ItemID with the item you want to add to your inventory, and # with the amount of that item to add. A list of ItemIDs is here
unlockPoint at a door or chest then use this code to unlock it

World Skyrim console commands

tmTurns off all GUI display
tmm #Toggle map markers, replace # with 0 to disable all or 1 to enable all
tfcFree camera mode, add 1 to pause the game
sucsm #
Replace # to change the speed of the free camera i.e. 0.5 for half speed or for double speed
tfowRemove fog from the world map
tgTurn off grass
tsTurn off skybox and fog
Turn off trees
twsTurn off water (when not underwater)
set timescale to #Replace # to set the rate time passes at, is realtime and 20 is default
sgtm #
Replace # to set the game speed i.e. 0.5 for half speed or for double speed
fw WeatherID
Replace WeatherID with the type of weather you want to instantly activate. A list of WeatherIDs is here
sw WeatherID
Replace WeatherID with the type of weather you want to gradually activate

Quest Skyrim console commands

caqsCompletes all primary quest stages (may cause crashes)
saqStarts all quests (may cause crashes)
Shows all objectives for ongoing quests
Shows all targets for ongoing quests
showquesttargetsDisplays the QuestID for all current quests
player.sqs QuestIDShows all stages for the entered QuestID
movetoqt QuestID
Move to the target of the entered QuestID
completequest QuestIDCompletes quest with the entered QuestID
resetquest QuestIDResets quest with the entered QuestID

NPC Skyrim console commands 

tdetectTurn off AI detection while stealing, doesn't work for pickpocketing
taiTurns off non-combat AI for NPCs
tcaiTurns off combat AI for NPCs
sexchangeChanges gender of targeted NPC (or yourself if not targeting)
tcAllows you to take control of the targeted NPC
Kill the targeted NPC
killallKills all non-essential NPCs in the arearesurrectBring a dead targeted NPC back to life, add to keep their current items intact
player.placeatme NPCIDPlaces the stated NPC next to you. A list of NPCIDs is here

And there you have it, more Skyrim console commands than you can shake a stick at! If you're having trouble with using any of them, or want to investigate even more options, then simply type help in the console command screen and follow the instructions.

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